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Feeling Down For No Reason? Types Of Depression You May Have And Treatment Options

If you are feeling down for no reason and this has been going on for a few months, you may be depressed. Feeling down is only one symptom, however. You will also lose interest in things you once loved to do, not sleep well or sleep too much, have no energy, and more. To help you understand more about this, below are three different types of depression and treatment options for each type.

Situational Depression

Situational depression is not caused by changes in the brain but by something currently happening in your life. For example, it could be someone close to you has passed away, you may have been told you have a medical condition that is worrying you, or there may be too much stress in your home. Fortunately, this type of depression is generally not something you will deal with forever, and it goes away with time. You still may need to take antidepressants to help you get through the bad times.

Change things if you can, such as making your home more stress free. You may want to learn more about the medical condition you have, and know over time you will feel better about the loved one that passed away.

If you do not want to take antidepressants, you should consider psychotherapy, as this treatment often helps with situational disorder.

Chronic Major Depression

With this type of depression, your symptoms will last much longer, such as a year or two. You will also hear this referred to as persistent depression. This type of depression is due to chemical changes in your brain.

Your doctor may prescribe antidepressants. Also, psychotherapy can help with this, as well as other types of adult counseling. This will allow you to talk about your depression, which can help you understand more about it.

Atypical Depression

With atypical depression you are sad most of the time. If you have something coming up that you are looking forward to, however, the depression symptoms may go away for a time. They will always come back, however.

Besides the traditional depression symptoms, your arms and legs may feel heavy, and you may be much more sensitive about things, such as if someone criticizes you.

Treatment for atypical depression is generally antidepressants. Your doctor will start you on a low dose and gradually increase it until you start to feel better.

Visit an adult counseling center to learn much more about these types of depression, as well as different treatment options you have. You can also visit sites like http://livinghopeclinic.org for more information.
