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How Suboxone Treatment Helps Those With Prescription Opioid Addictions Avoid Other Substances

Prescription opioids have an important purpose in the medical field, but they can often be misused by those who take them. That's because they have a high potential for addiction that may lead to overdose or experimentation with other types of illicit substances. Therefore, it is important for those who use these prescription drugs to reach out to a therapist for suboxone treatment. Doing so may just save their life.

Prescription Opioid Addiction Is a Serious Danger

Prescription opioids are commonly prescribed to manage extreme pain, such as suffering after getting a pulled tooth. These types of medications are very beneficial, but they are also quite problematic if they are not used properly. For example, some may develop an addiction to these prescription medications if they do not take them properly or do not take enough time to prepare for their use.

Sadly, this type of addiction can not only cause a person to suffer from withdrawal symptoms but may cause them to experiment with other types of opioids if they cannot find their preferred prescription option. Heroin and other similar illicit substances may trigger the same type of effect but are much more dangerous and may cause a person to overdose more quickly. Thankfully, suboxone treatment can help.

Ways Suboxone Can Help

Suboxone therapy is a high-quality treatment method that is used to manage a variety of different addiction-related problems. It is designed to decrease the symptoms of withdrawal that a person may experience by providing a safer and more controllable alternative. This type of therapy must be done in a controlled setting with medical professionals who understand this process and this medicine.

During treatment, a person with an opioid addiction is gradually weaned off of suboxone over a period of several days. In this way, their withdrawal symptoms are either eliminated or greatly reduced as much as possible. This process works for both prescription and illicit opioids, as they operate on the same basic principle in the body and the mind, minimizing a person's reaction to them.

In most cases, this type of therapy is done in a drug addiction treatment facility that also integrates psychological and behavioral care into their routines. The ultimate result is a high-quality recovery process that gives a person the best chance of beating their addiction to prescription opioids and provides them with the help that they need to stay stable and healthy for years to come.
