
Is Individual Psychotherapy Right For You?

In the world of psychotherapy services, there are two dominant approaches. These are group psychotherapy and individual psychotherapy. Although there are numerous distinct types of the two, it is possible to discuss why an individualized program might or might not be right for a client. Take a look at some of the pros and cons of working one-on-one with a therapist. Pro: Focus A major plus of individual psychotherapy is that it allows a provider and a client to focus on a handful of topics.

Recognizing Passive-Aggressive Behaviors In A Spouse

A passive-aggressive approach to confrontation in any relationship is always a problem. However, in a marriage, the effects of this behavior can be especially problematic as it can lead to issues with communication, trust, and even intimacy. It's important to be able to identify this behavior quickly so that you and your spouse can work to move past it.  Zero Conflict Resolution The main thing to remember about a passive-aggressive spouse is that they rarely reveal a true sense of their feelings, and as a result, they make zero effort to resolve the problem.

3 Tips For Helping Your Child Grieve Their Pet

Death is a part of life. Even though you know this in the back of your mind, you can never really prepare for the loss of a loved one. Children, especially, will have a hard time coping with the loss of a family member or friend, but they can also struggle after the death of their beloved pet. If you and your family have recently lost a pet, help is available.

Is Your Family Still Struggling With The Aftermath Of Your Addiction? 3 Tips To Bring Everyone Closer Through Counseling

When someone in the family has an addiction, it is common for everyone to be impacted. While you were actively doing drugs or drinking excessively, your relationships with your spouse and children likely became strained. You may have also discovered that the different reactions of your family members to your behaviors may have created distance between them as well. For instance, one family member may have built up resentments about your behavior while another one felt led to give you support.

Ways That A Children's Therapist Creates An Appealing Environment For Patients

When people picture a therapy session, they often think about a patient lying on a couch and a therapist sitting nearby with a notepad, scribbling observations while the patient talks. This may be the case for lots of therapists, but when it comes to therapists whose focus is working with children, you'll generally find that they work hard to make the environment less formal. If you're thinking about having your child see a therapist, you want to find someone who is not only a good fit, but whose environment will be conducive to your child opening up.

Therapeutic Approaches to Children with Conduct Disorder

Conduct disorder is a difficult behavioral disorder for parental figures to address. Beyond acting in socially inappropriate ways, some children are especially cruel to humans and animals, which can leave family members fearful of the child. Addressing the issue promptly can give your child the best chance at changing their behavior before it progresses. Determine Differential/Comorbid Diagnoses Conduct disorder frequently co-occurs with other mental health issues or can be misdiagnosed as another condition.

Feeling Down For No Reason? Types Of Depression You May Have And Treatment Options

If you are feeling down for no reason and this has been going on for a few months, you may be depressed. Feeling down is only one symptom, however. You will also lose interest in things you once loved to do, not sleep well or sleep too much, have no energy, and more. To help you understand more about this, below are three different types of depression and treatment options for each type.

3 Alternatives To Nagging Your Spouse

In many marriages, one person will often play the role of the nagger, constantly harping on his or her spouse about things that are bothersome. This dynamic is difficult for both parties; the person being nagged likely doesn't appreciate it, while the person doing the nagging may feel resentful that he or she has to play this role.  If nagging is an issue in your relationship, counseling can be an asset.

Exploring How Depression Treatments Have Advanced with Modern Science

Not all that long ago, the common treatment for depression was simply the advice to "cheer up," or, in severe cases, more drastic treatments like electroconvulsive therapy. Later, early medications used to treat depression often caused as many problems as they solved. This historical ignorance of depression combined with the typical symptoms of the disorder mean that many sufferers are still nervous or pessimistic about seeking professional help. But modern science has made incredible strides in both its understanding of and response to depression in recent years, and it has led to some dramatic changes in how depression is handled in patients.

Why Sleep Is So Important If You Suffer From Anxiety

Anxiety can affect people in different ways, but a common effect of this condition is a lack of sleep. Feeling anxious cannot only prevent you from getting enough sleep, but not getting enough sleep can also worsen your anxiety symptoms. To beat your anxiety, you may need to take medication and seek counseling services, but another way to reduce your symptoms is to make sure you get plenty of sleep.