Does Your Adult Child Have A Drug Problem? Here's What You Can Do To Help

Even though your child may be an adult now, it is not unusual that you feel upset and concerned when you discover their drug addiction. You might frantically be looking for ideas that you can use to help your child get better. However, it's important to focus on the following things so that you don't hurt the other members of your family, alienate them or hinder their recovery. Avoid Self-Blame [Read More]

Things You Can Do To Save Your Marriage If Your Husband Wants Out

If your husband has recently communicated to you that he wants a divorce, you may need to take immediate action if you want to stop this from happening. Saving a marriage when one spouse wants out is not an easy task, but it certainly isn't impossible in many cases. There are things you could try that may cause him to change his mind. If your marriage is your number one priority, spending time trying to save the marriage would be a worthwhile endeavor to attempt. [Read More]

3 Unique Types Of Depression

Major depressive disorder, also known as depression, is a very common mental illness. Statistics show that it affects over 14 million adults in the United States. Thanks to awareness campaigns and progress in mental health care, this type of depression is pretty well-known. However, there are different types of depression outside of major depressive disorder. If you suspect that you have depression but do not fit the criteria for MDD, do not dismiss how you feel. [Read More]

Addressing Some Premarital Counseling Questions

Making the decision to get married can be one of the biggest choices in a person's life. While the thought of spending the rest of your life with your partner may sound like bliss, there can be a number of challenges that may emerge over the course of a marriage. To help you be prepared to address these challenges, you should consider undergoing premarital counseling with your partner. For those that are unfamiliar with this type of counseling, it may be useful to have the following few questions answered. [Read More]