Relationship Counseling: What You Should Do If You Suspect Your Husband May Be Gay

Even in this modern age, there may be some men who do not want to admit that they are gay or bisexual. When these men marry in order to maintain a "straight" appearance, there can be several problems in the marriage. If you suspect that your husband may be gay or bisexual, you need to encourage him to attend relationship counseling with you. Here are some other things you should do during this discovery and recovery process. [Read More]

When Sibling Rivalry Turns Violent Or Abusive: How Family Therapy Can Help

Sibling rivalry is a normal part of growing up with brothers and sisters. It is typical for children to fight for the attention and affection of their parents and even acceptable for brothers and sisters to compete against each other in an attempt to gain more favor with their parents. More serious problems arise when children become violent or abusive towards each other and it begins to impact their emotional and psychological well-being. [Read More]

3 Tips To Help Beat The Alcohol Addiction That Led To Your DUI

Getting charged with a DUI is embarrassing and can have serious legal ramifications. If you were recently charged because you got behind the wheel after having too much to drink, you're likely interested in getting your life back on track as quickly as possible. But that's easier said than done if you are an alcoholic. If you know you frequently have trouble with alcohol, you're going to need some help to beat the addiction. [Read More]

Healthy Healing: 3 Tips For Choosing A Recovery Center

Having an addiction can be hard—not only on yourself, but also on your family and friends. Once you have decided to get help, you will have to choose which recovery center or rehab is right for you. Since every recovery center offers different methods for healing and different treatment approaches, it can be difficult to choose a facility. Luckily, it doesn't have to be. With these three tips, you'll be better informed and that will make your decision much easier: [Read More]